As a valued and trusted partner to law firms and corporate counsels, we find relevant facts, marshal evidence, and develop proof to support our clients’ arguments and factual assertions in legal proceedings.

Clients count on us to collect unimpeachable evidence ethically and in compliance with the rules of professional conduct, using proper procedures to comply with appropriate chain of custody and evidence protocols.

We are often asked to investigate parties to a dispute; find evidence to support or refute allegations in a complaint; identify, locate and interview witnesses; and check backgrounds of fact or and expert witnesses.

  • Expert Witness Profiles and Vetting

    Attorneys retain IGI to profile opposing counsel’s proposed expert witnesses. In these engagements, we perform in-depth and wide-ranging probes to identify issues in a witness’s professional or personal life that are potentially disqualifying, or which could impugn the witness’s credibility or reflect negatively on his or her perceived judgment or character.

    We look for – and regularly find – material omissions, misrepresentations, and exaggerations in an expert’s curriculum vitae; discrepancies or inconsistencies among different versions of an expert’s resumes or biographies; and business, personal, or professional ties or activities that could constitute a conflict of interest on the part of the witness. We search for statements in the expert’s previous testimony, publications, or presentations that could suggest bias or which may contradict the witness’s expressed opinion in the instant litigation.

    We are often tasked with taking these same steps to vet our clients’ own expert witnesses, to mitigate the risk of embarrassing or potentially catastrophic surprises at trial.

  • Fact Witness Interviews and Investigations

    IGI often is tasked to identify, locate and interview fact witnesses in a case and, as required, obtain their signed statements or affidavits. Expertly conducted interviews, sometimes of reluctant witnesses or whistleblowers, are a hallmark of IGI investigations.

    We also prepare detailed background profiles of potential key fact witnesses, which our clients use in preparation for deposition or trial.

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“[IGI] helped me a lot on the case with background on witnesses (amazing stuff I never could find on my own that I used for cross) and also helped with my opening.”

– Partner in Top 50 law firm

Let’s discuss how we can put our expertise and experience to work for you.